Trust but Verify
RFH regularly works for both borrowers and lenders in confirming title to PDP properties so as to provide adequate assurance that a lender’s loan to value ratios are met and that all appropriate terms are met under a particular RBL arrangement.
When title must be verified to meet the requirements of a particular lending relationship, RFH provides a streamlined set of Limited Acquisition Title Opinions accompanied by spreadsheets setting forth a succinct summary of the borrower’s working interest and net revenue interest in each well that has been mortgaged so the lender can ensure that their loan is adequately protected. Our ability to staff these projects quickly and meet the demands of lenders prior to the closing of an acquisition or the refinancing of a loan sets us apart from other firms in this space.
Practice States
Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, California, Colorado, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington DC, Wyoming, And Missouri